Send your peace to sooth me, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Source: Modified fromThe Irish Handbook of the Holy League, called the Apostleship of Prayer,Dublin, 1890, p. 59-62. Jesus, Eternal Wisdom, Prayer Of Intercession For Our Nation Heavenly Father, we come to You today to intercede for our nation and the nations of the world that are in such commotion and disarray, and are so antagonistic towards You, and hateful towards the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for the sins of the world. V. May the name of the Lord be praised. once, but is the eternity that awaits you. Comfort the dying and those through your death and burial, [5], O God, you always govern your creatures with tender affection. Inspire our artists and musicians, writers and craftspeople. weeds in a vacant lot, or a few Yesterday seemed like a perfect day to read poetry. Your love to me in the next world, Quaero, postulo, peto a te, Allow yourself to feel the sadness, anger and joy around you. So this morning I offer these words of John Bells for you to chant during the week, to remind you that love, caring, compassion, justice, mercy dont come with perfection they come in the packages they are in, you and I. Here are some characteristics in the Breastplate that are common in many Celtic Christian prayers: he Book of Kells (Wikipedia) is probably the greatest treasure of the Irish church and of Celtic Christianity. [2], O Lord, holy Father, author of the universe, almighty and eternal God, to whom all are alive. guard us with your holy angels Christ in my travelling, Most often I offer prayers of intercession and petition following my daily meditation when I am fully centered in God's presence. you turn darkness into light Keep hope within, keep despair out; he mid-to-late 1800s was a time of tremendous scholarship, and because of that, it was a time of renewed interest in the early Celtic church. through your pains and torments, Bring us to you with your unconditional love. 64 shares. Before you go to sleep offer a prayer of thanks for a day spent with the Spirit and if there are difficulties during the day (I mean who doesnt have those rough spots) ask for guidance for the coming day. Christ around me, like cold water on the fire. How fragile life is May the stillness of the stars watch over you. yet conquered by your Resurrection. atrick is the first person we think of when Celtic Christianity is mentioned, mostly because he has his own holiday. A retreat Fill our leaders with talents and discernment to seek the common good. All Rights Reserved. surround us with your presence; and the sins we were not afraid to commit. In the beauty of these Celtic lands may the face of God bless us each day as we journey. Circle, O God, (name people and places), encircle them with your presence. Prayingreminds us that prayer doesnt have to be framed with elaborate words. This litany from an Irish prayer book asks Jesus for mercy appealing to who he is, his attributes, his virtue, his love and his work. From everlasting death, I offer prayers for others and I keep a prayer list with names of those who ask me to pray for them. In the name of the Lamb, Be with us, Lord, He tells us what to pray in His Word. Taken from "The Prayers of Moucan", in Celtic Spirituality (Series: Classics of Western Spiritiuality) Trans., Oliver Davies, . Prays really happen in those moments when your mind has no words so your heart speaks. in your safety, lluryc llachar rac pop aelat.Rac pop anuaws poet yn dilis dinas diffret. [5], Deus, qui facturam tuam pio semper do[mi]nares afectu,inclina aurem tuam suplicantibus nobis tibi; ad famulumtuum .n. We may be less than perfect, but we are who God Seeks. in which you dwell as the Eternal Priest, Like tongues of fire it has renewed and restored. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak; in the mouth of each who speaks unto me. The rain was coming down, the wind was blowing, Suzie was snuggled in my lap so I opened up two of my favorite books of poetry, Thirst by Mary Oliver,[1] and a book of Celtic prayers collected by Alexander Carmichael titled New Moon of the Seasons, Prayers from the Highlands and Islands. Like a fair breeze from the south, These prayers show us that prayer for the Celts was integrated as part and parcel of their daily lives. Amen. even as I clothe my body with wool, less ready to be so perplexed. and grant us pardon; easily snuffed out You hold us and love us, Intercessory prayer is where you stand close side by side with another man in the presence of God and support him with your prayer. Keep truth within, keep falsehood out; We ask for your energy and vision for those who are . Jesus Christ, our Lord, shows us a perfect intercessory prayer example in the Bible. If we expect G-d to answer our prayers the way we do when we order something on Amazon, then we have a deep problem. in our working and our resting, Prayers of Intercession. Fear of having to give up possessions. Creation and use our time wisely Mo bheatha i neamh, a mhic dhil D; It was a way to surround oneself with God's protection and blessing and remove any evil. This prayer strikes a deep cord within me today because I am often asked if praying for others is actually beneficial or just words. Today I would like to offer Intercessory and Petition Prayers as todays spiritual practice, it is an important one to learn not just for yourself, but for those you carry within your heart. With shouts of joy I will offer sacrifices in his Temple; I will sing, I will praise the Lord. in the faith of Christ, Circle, O God, those who work for peace and Justice in your world, encircle them with your presence. in comprehending your mysteries, . We pray for your world. We can pray the Bible. Help them to see your light in the darkness. because of the hardness of our hearts, Keep light within, keep darkness out. per te nobisueniam largiaris iesus christus dominus noster . Domine da quod peto a te. Keep generosity within, keep greed out; Let those who have eyes to see and hears to hear. The chalice of grief With these words we yield to you our hearts and minds, Give, give quickly, O clear, bright sun, For inner peace aduersitate ualitudinis corporis laborantem placitusrespice; uisita eum insalutare tuo, et caelestis gratiae admedicamentum, per dominum. The primary principle of intercession is simply to tell God what He tells us to tell Him as the means of releasing His power. Prayers for others Canticle Christ, as a light illumine and guide me. When depressed God in my sleeping, Loving Shepherd, you lead us As a result, there was a renewed interest in Celtic languages and attempts at revive their use and also much imitation the old literature from the 1880s to 1920s. But Patrick is much more than an excuse to drink green beer (yuck!) Shepherd-King walk beside me. How often in our busy 21st century lifestyle do we feel we want to be somewhere far from the madding crowd? And not on the media and leaders who are weak. Manam bheith ln de dghr, a Dh, Pentecost Jennys prayers are to encourage us to be at home with God and to rejoice that God is at home with us. kindle our lamps, But as I was reading it for the umpteenth time in light of the recent school shootings in Oregon, Arizona and Texas I felt if St. Patrick would mind if I added a couple of lines to his prayer. Keep wisdom within, keep folly out; Keep compassion within, keep hard-heartedness out; Christ, have mercy. that we may always see you, Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. keep us, You refresh us and let us rest Wherever there is unfulfilled hope, we can be the inspiration of a new future. Lord, I want to be an island It is called the Caim, the encircling prayer. Jesus, Master of apostles, In praise Therefore, as prayer intercessors, we can . Thank you for my loved ones and church. Keep truth within, keep falsehood out; the challenges of a new dawn. Morning mist In the autumn of our lives, Visit him with your deliverance, and give him the medicine of your heavenly grace; through our Lord. But Ive remembered those words and at this stage of my life I am finally learning what he meant and how to offer a prayer of petition, or intercession, for myself and others. in our eating and our fasting, Keep truth within, keep falsehood out; and lay our burdens at your feet. or a castle with a moat for the freshly opening rose, Prayer of Intercession God of peace, you have called us all to work for peace and justice. Uerbis tibi tantum obsequimur cordeautem mentimus . And recognize Christ in every encounter O Christ, our dearest Savior, Keep love within, keep self-seeking out; Jesus, Son of the living God, We may have a quiet refuge in our minds or somewhere real which we can visit. Read the penitential manuals (Celtic Spirituality, p. 227-245), and you will see that some of the Celtic Christians were doing shameful, wild and vulgar things they needed to confess and receive forgiveness for. You refresh our bodies with sleep for a while, and gone on my way Ephesians 3:16-19 16I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, 17and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. So why is Pauls prayer touching me today? May we know you in your word may the work of the church of God be in my hands, Celtic, Journey & Travel The Journey Prayer - St Brendan God, bless to me this day, God bless to me this night; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life. Please be with those who don't know you as Lord and Saviour. protect us, may God make my heart his home, This last past week has been especially disturbing with gun violence in so many places that I have lost track of where they all are. He words have stuck with me to this day: God doesnt give things we want, God gives us the things we need. Deus meus adiuva me, [My God, help me.] God of light, for all who have inspired us, for our loved ones. This responsive prayer of confession deals with the sin of idolatry and failure to love our neighbors. God in my living, The Antiphonary of Bangor and The Divine Offices of Bangor. Friday March 20, 2020. In meum cor, ut sanum sit. may we praise you, Through the day encircle them with your presence. Circle, O Holy Spirit, those who work for peace, Prayers during the day Celtic Prayers from Iona is a devotional guide following the foci of the Iona community: justice and peace; healing; goodness of creation and earth care; commitment to Christ; communion of heaven and earth; and welcome and hospitality. Today my prayer offering is a Celtic poem that reminds us to stop and see the world around us, To see the creator in all that we encounter. Jesus, Lover of us, mab gwen meirgwas. So you calm our fears and anxieties Domine da quod peto a te, [O Lord, give what I ask of you,] Help us to rely on you and your word, and keep us from all that is evil. fleeting, its end unknowable. Jesus, Lover of chastity, Loving God we ask for the gift of your Holy Spirit to help us pray as we ought. God also gives her gifts in her own time, not mine, God listens but picks the moment when what she offers will do the most good for my life with her. It is He that sustains us and heals our wounds. Ante oculos tuos domine reus conscientiae testis adsisto rogare non audeoquod impetrare nonmerear . Christ in my being, Keep truth within, keep falsehood out; God in my sitting, mat gwas gwelet.O hil ade ac abrahae yn ryanet.O hil dofyd dogyn dwfynwedyd llu ryanet.Dyduc o eir deill abydeir o pop aelet.Pobyl ginhiawc. in your power to direct me, you give us hope and renewal. Deus meus adiuva me. If you look at all the people God has ever called: Moses, Abraham, Noah, Jonah, Paul, all of them were less than perfect but they had something God needed, faithfulness, determination, grit. Lord, graciously hear us. Let me begin anew and bloom like the flowers, Keep me from revisiting the thoughts and the pain. You have placed the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Therefore, it goes well beyond just praying to the Lord God on behalf of another. the treasure in it. in the day of judgment, Lord Jesus, deliver us. In the winter of our lives, A new day God of light I have seen the sun break through God the Spirit, You alone can change As the above Celtic Prayer offers: May the peace of the tallest mountain and the peace of the smallest stone be your peace. It is really an Anglo-Saxon book, but it also shows Celtic / Irish influence in its art and texts. Prayers of intercession We pray for the Church: that she may be a sign of God's light and goodness in our world, and a beacon of hope for the most vulnerable. The love of G-d, Christ, and Holy Spirit be yours Celtic Circle Prayers. Source:, on Cover My Soul with the Shadow of Your Wing, on Confession of Sins from the Book of Cerne, on Prayers for the Sick from the Book of Dimma, This litany from an Irish prayer book asks Jesus for mercy appealing to who he is, his attributes, his virtue, his love and his work. enrich us, Be merciful and answer me! may the sign of Christ be on my forehead, The reason we associate Celts with Ireland, Scotland and Wales is that is where Celtic identity remained after Europe was dominated by the Roman Empire. Blessings, 112 pp. The Celtic Christians also left many carved stone crosses like the Rock of Cashel Cross (top) and Muiredachs High Cross (above). It is. Let them respond to you and be saved. Bring us safely into your fold. He writes music that reaches deep inside of me and calls to me. From earliest times, hristians gathered at regular hours during each day and night to respond to God's word with praise on behalf of all creation and with intercession for the salvation of the world. In the beginning and the ending of our lives, Keep hope within, keep despair out; I will lay down and rest Print out the images, laminate them, and make them available to families in their pews, or in a children's area if you have one. Jesus, Splendor of the Father, for all newborn animals. and eat corned beef and cabbage (delicious, but unknown to Patrick and to most of the Irish). I am sure you could name many more. ~ St. Ailbe. God the Father of heaven, have mercy. this night and every night. may the sight of the company of heaven be in my eyes, Jesus, Sun of justice, Help us to lie down in peace and sleep, God is looking for real beings that try, fail, get up and try again. To remember that every small act of kindness matters. that all may see the love of Christ. It's an exclusive prayer to God on the behalf of someone or a nation. For forgiveness you save us, to our covenant with you and with one another. Keep hope within, keep despair out; Wherever we are, we can find opportunities to stand with people, and identify with their needs and hopes. The Irish calculated the date of Easter with a different formulausually resulting in celebrating their Easter a week or two after Roman Easter. Please guide us and strengthen us to do your will. In our intercessions we unite our prayers for the world and its needs with the prayer of Christ himself who 'ever lives to make intercessions for us'. who are bent on evil deeds. May the gentle breeze of the spirit strengthen our love for each other. Read the loricas. Some of this seems to be a repristination movementa desire to return to a simpler Christianity that is not separated from daily life with no conflict and more in tune with nature. to wait for you to act. Some of the prayers ask the saints, Pray for us. In pre-Whitby literature, Mary is mentioned as the mother of the Lord, but gets no special honor. Amen. Jesus, Light of confessors, New Year for the challenges of a new day, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus. Keep strength within, keep weariness out; Help us to forgive Keep compassion within, keep hard-heartedness out; I pray that indifference and apathy, May the stillness of the stars watch over you. Help us to value our lives we feel your protecting arms around us But life for the early Celtic Christians was not always simple, peaceful or innocent. From the rising of the sun to its setting, Missionaries were sent out, first back to Britain, Wales and Scotland, then to mainland Europe. in our joy and celebration, To behold your presence. in your strength to uplift me, into your image, . Money Back Guarantee ensures YOU receive the item you ordered or get your money back. The people may add their intercessions either silently or aloud. I dont always use every one of these prayers at one time sometimes only one or two, but I find that I am less likely to petition God for selfish reasons when I use this prayer. By 275 B.C. Quaero, postulo, peto a te. In our coming and going, Amen. prayers of the ancient Celtic People. Give me the peace that only you can grant. Father - Grant to the Church, illumined by the eternal light, the grace to shine as the servant of Incarnate God. guide us, for your sake. hearth, I pray that the flame of Gods and in the breaking of bread and you lead us, 2023. The Three Who are above me here, and from wanting to run ahead Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Christ in our forgiveness, We know that without justice there can be no peace. It is here that both Aidan and Cuthbert, two of the early Celtic saints, lived their lives in service to God and their fellow beings. Keep light within, keep darkness out. The New Mozarabic Collects. and go before us, guiding us. The peace of the holy Spirit be upon you Keep strength within, keep weariness out; [] Let us raise our voices together, You, O God, on my way. Foreward This morning, as I kindle the fire upon my he Book of Kells ( Wikipedia) is probably the greatest treasure . In order to connect worship and intercession, and to continue the 'flow' of music and participation, we often encourage prayer in the midst of singing, or even through singing. Tuum amorem, sicut vis, O God of every gift, Those that lead intercessions have the responsibility of enabling the rest of the congregation to share in O Lord open our ears An online source of Information and Inspiration, Celtic prayers & reflections Jenny Child. He escaped and eventually returned home to western Britain where he studied the Christian faith more seriously and was ordained a priest. in our grief and in our sorrow, It is a lovely prayer in which to hold in our hearts those in need ofcomfort and support, and for those who lay upon on hearts. Jesus, Brightness of eternal light, I have always loved this couplet of St Patricks Breast Plate Prayer. Circle, O God, (name the person(s) for whom you are praying), encircle them with your presence. Christ in my dying. Comings and goings But, you call me to be open [2] A poem of Mary Olivers and a prayer collected by Alexander Carmichael struck me as I read them. As I journey, protect me, Tabhair dom do shearch,a Mhic ghil D We who follow Him are blessed, Through the mystery of your holy Incarnation, preserve us. Fear of losing people we love. Please contact for permission for any commercial use. God of everlasting love, we confess that we have been unfaithful. Prayers of Intercession arising from Ezekiel 37:1-14 Valley of dry bones John 11:1-45 Resurrection of Lazarus Click here for a ready-to-print Word document: Breath of Life - Prayers of Intercession, Lent 5 Year A Join me in a moment of silence to reflect on those things in your life that feel lifeless. Christ in our love for the enemy for all your love and care, Christ in our carrying for those who harm us rob bolltanugad in spirtanibisna srnaib-sea, what we are ashamed of, The Celtic people lived close to land and they cherished it as a gift from G-d. He was interested in the prayer and poetry from the Celtic folk traditions, and his work is published in the volumes of Carmina Gadelica. Source: Mael su Ua Brolchin, d. 1086 The Poem-Book of the Gael, 1912, p. 140-141,translation composite. O Lord, goec gamwedawc salw amnyned.Rydrychafom erbyn trindawt gwedy gwaret.Croes cristyn glaer. to the rising of life itself; Christ our King. We pray for peace: Give peace to the world Give peace to the victims of war, the refugees, the widowed and the orphans. rob les Docus a choimnesa isna cosaib-sea, small stones; just pay attention, then patch, a few words together and dont try that in its light "~ -Galatians 3:28, Copyright Beth Maxwell Boyle 2019 All Rights Reserved. may the speech of the company of heaven be in my mouth, Give them spiritual wisdom and understanding. Keep light within, keep darkness out. I realize now "God Be in My Head". It is sometimes appropriate to deviate from the pattern, especially on a significant occasion or in time of catastrophe. From darkness to light Introduction Legend says that he had a vision of a man urging him to return to Ireland to bring the gospel. Our forgiveness, we can our working and our fasting, keep falsehood out ; and the sins we not. 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